Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Daffodil told me a Story!!

What an absolutely gorgeous day in the south.  It is hard to beat North Carolina on a beautiful spring day....(except maybe on a beautiful autumn day!!).  Even as much of a Duke Blue Devil fan as I am, I can actually say that those Carolina Blue skies are hard to beat.  The beautiful start to this day made it even easier to learn, and share, a lesson that was taught to me today by a daffodil.

I was at Sunday School this morning and was standing at the door of the High School classroom greeting the folks as they passed by the door.  The youth that I am privileged to teach were hanging out with me.  Up walks my sister holding a single daffodil.  As is her practice, she delivers "goodies" to everyone she meets on Sunday mornings prior to church.  Many times it is her homemade candies....sometimes it might be "store bought" goodies, but still "goodies" nonetheless.  So, today, when she walked up with this daffodil, I assumed that it was one of her "heart-gifts."   She handed me the beautiful "yellow and green" and she said..."I guess you know what it means, don't you?"  I first said "Yes",  thinking that I did actually know.  Our parents would have turned 91 and 81 this week. Well, actually, they did turn 91 and 81, but they had their party with millions in attendance at a location that I haven't been yet, but intend on going to some day.

So, my assumption was that this was a flower that my sister and I would use to remember momma.  But, that was not actually the meaning. She told me the story that this flower came from her flower garden, from bulbs that was given to her by our momma, who got the bulbs from her momma, who got the bulbs from her momma,  who got the bulbs from her momma.  So, the flower in my hand, came from some labor that was done probably 120-130 years ago.  My great-great grandma took the time to dig a hole somewhere over in Stanly County and plant a bulb that she got from somewhere???or someone???  Little did she know, or think, that over a century later, a person that had not even been born (or even thought about) would be able to take the fruits of her labor and use it as a lesson illustration for a group of High School students.  Hopefully, one, or more of those students will be able to pass the lesson down to generations yet to come.

I was able to tell them that there are always consequences to all of our actions....Good or Bad....Positive or Negative....Encouraging or Discouraging. Anything we do will have some influence on someone. Someone is always watching us.  They want (and maybe need) to see how we handle things, how we respond to trouble, how we display our character, how we lead our followers. What a great message, but what a humbling one as well.

Since this blog is focused on my motto.........

                          Building up Houses

                                       Building up Businesses

                                                            Building up Others    then.........                                                    

I must repeat the message that the daffodil told me today.  Everything that I do will have repercussions on those that follow along behind me.  Maybe my family members need to see me stand up for what I believe in when standing is the correct thing to do.  Maybe those kids in Sunday School need to see me show kindness and consideration while they live in a world that is so hard and hateful. Maybe my co-workers and customers need to see me be the right example in the workplace.  I need to work hard, prepare well and perform admirably.  This will assure me that I have done the best that I can, with what I have been given to work with. I need to make a difference when I can, and where I can, to whom I can!

I will complete this blog post with an illustration that my pastor gave this morning during his sermon.  He was speaking on the topic of "making a difference"  He told the story of a father and son walking down the beach, and they came upon a place in the sand where many starfish had washed ashore.  The young son looked at the multitude of starfish and was concerned about what he could do to help. He picked up one, then two, then three of the starfish and took them down to the water's edge and placed them back in the water.  His father, perhaps a little in a rush, told him to come on, that he couldn't throw all of the starfish back in the ocean.  There were simply too many!!  The little boy made a statement that we all should focus on.  He said "Daddy, I know that I can't put them all back, but I did make a big difference to those three that I did put back.!"  

So, remember...just like the lady who planted the daffodil over a century ago did not know what a blessing that her actions would be, we also may not know what we can do on a simple day-to-day basis that may "make a big difference" to someone else.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about footings.  Since I have spent my entire career in the building supply industry, a footing is always a good thing when I see one!!  That means something is happening....someone is investing...someone is building...maybe, someone is going to buy something from me.  So, footings are good....IF....they are done correctly.

When we begin to build a structure, we must first prepare the way to get into the site.  I discussed that in my last post.  We must construct a road, grade it off correctly...maybe even put gravel on it so we won't have trouble when we find ourselves slipping and sliding around after a snow or rain.  In our lives and relationships, those same principles are true.  At some time or the other, even if our relationships are on solid ground, we may face those storms of life that make us slip and slide around.  We must be prepared.

Now, we can get into the lot....what is next??  We must clear off the lot.  Get rid of things that don't need to be there.  Prepare the actual site.  When we do this, we are starting the process of reaching our goal of having a beautiful home in a beautiful setting.  Look at this peaceful video of a beautiful homesite that will soon be where a family loves to live.

When the site (or relationship or business) is cleared of all necessary debris and hindrances, we are ready to dig the footing.  The footing is the most important part of any structure.  Sometimes, as we begin to dig, we find trash that has to be removed, or unstable dirt that is not acceptable, or other items that will make it difficult to have a successful finished product.  So, those things must be removed. Could there be a friendship that has become unstable that we need to repair?  Is there some garbage from the past that is keeping you from finding your successes?  Is there any items in your way?  If so, they need to be moved so that the footing can be dug and your project can begin.  Just as you will see in this video, we must dig down through any of that "Stuff" to get to solid ground.  This house, my business, your life...all must rest on solid ground.

The footing accomplishes more than just a firm foundation.  It gives us the first view of the "Footprint" of the structure.  It lets us know the parameters that we are dealing with.  Is the house too big?  too small? Does it face the wrong direction? Will it be satisfactory and sufficient?  All of these things are important, and must be determined before we pour concrete inside the footing.  That is when we "should" be ready to start building on top of the work that we have completed.  If we do things correctly here, the rest of the project will likely find a satisfactory end.  If the foundation of our lives is set on the "SOLID ROCK" we will be much more likely to find an end that we will feel so blessed to have.

Finally, pouring the concrete into the footing is the start of what we want to become a great blessing.  Maybe it is a home to rear our children in....or a marriage to the one that God has blessed us with...or a business that can provide a service to the community and can provide a living for those we love.  It is the first step in reaching our goals.

Remember,  my motto is:

                                    Building up Homes

                                  Building up Businesses

                                             Building up Others




Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting from Here to There Requires??? Gravel???

Boy, how's that for a title that leaves room for thought!!  This blog post is not really just a cleverly disguised attempt at increasing my gravel sales...(even though, if that is one of the end results, then that is good too!)

I have been doing alot of thinking in the last several weeks and months about this idea that I have mentioned in my last few blog posts.  I came to the realization a while back that I needed to re-tool, re-train, and re-brand myself to better prepare for the future that my family and I will face.  Business, as I knew it, started changing in September of 2007.  The idea that "this is the ways things will always be, because this is the way that things have always been" seemed to have taken flight and could not be found anymore.  I realized several things.  I realized that the future was going to be different than I had always planned for it to be.  I realized that "different" is not always bad, but "different" is always "different".  I realized that "different" is not always easy, but it is necessary many times for things to reach a desired goal.  Mostly, however, I realized that God is still in control, and is faithful to me considering His promises to care and provide for his children.  That does not mean that I always see clearly the path that He is taking me(us) down.  I am glad that He is big enough to see "way down the road further than I can"

But, now, back to the title.  Now, maybe it is easier to see what I meant by the title. God will help us find our direction.  He will show us glimpses of the destination. Sometimes, he will even rent a bulldozer to us to help us clear the way and build the road.  But, it does require us putting feet on our prayers, and our shoulders to the wheel.

In life, we will find many opportunities to be active in "Building Up Houses" , "Building up Businesses"  and "Building up Others".  That is my theme for this blog and for my life going forward.  To reach those goals, we must determine the path and direction of our road and start building on it. It may be a direct path, or it may wander and meander along, but the road still needs to take us toward the goal each day.

In my career as a building supply distributor, I have worked on many projects and homes.  I have supplied materials for "dog houses" and "dream houses."  But, one things hold true for all of them.  The owner had to determine the path between the street and the jobsite.  They normally had to build a road.  Usually they had to do some work in preparation of the road.....Maybe a bulldozer.....Maybe a tractor and scrape....Maybe, just even a shovel and some sweat.  But, you have to be able to get from here to there.

I have begun recently creating a video library of some homes that I am supplying materials on.  I want these videos to capture the entire process of building these homes from "Clearing the Lot" to "Handing over the Keys."   I want to incorporate these videos into this blog, and other writing of mine to help people see more easily that it is a step by step process concerning "GETTING FROM HERE TO THERE"

Yes, a step-by-step process. Just as you saw above, to be able to get "from here to there" in life or in construction,  we have to correctly build the foundation of that path.  It may require some hard work...we may have to "grade off" some rough and unlevel spots.  Sometimes those unlevel spot may be difficulties that we have had with family or friends.  They may be sadnesses or tragedies that we have faced in the past.  But when we deal with all of those things, we are ready to move forward. But, sometimes even with all of that preparation work done, things can get a little slippery from time to time.  Therefore, we put down "just enough" gravel to help us continue to move forward toward the goals that we have set for our lives.

Finally....just as surely as we have to put the "right amount" of gravel down in these slippery places, we have to make sure that we put it down far enough. Sometimes, doing the right amount of the right thing right now may not be sufficient for the long haul.  When we have disappointed a loved one in our life, or failed our spouse, or performed for our employer at less than we are capable, we should make sure that we do everything that is necessary for as long as necessary to regain the trust and respect that we have lost.  Remember, trust and respect are earned, not given. theme is

                         Building up Homes

                                     Building up Businesses

                                                         Building up Others

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

New House...New Business..New Life

Today, as I was listening to a motivational speaker that I really appreciate, he continued to drive home the point that we must continue to grow, continue to drive forward, continue to produce. He delivered a "message" that resonated loudly and firmly to me.  I even posted a couple of his comments here on this blog, and on my Facebook page.  They were so appropriate for me at this time in my life, and I can't help but to believe that perhaps someone reading this might be at the same place in their own lives. goes....let me throw back some of what John Jackson threw at me this morning.

1.  The greatest enemy of tomorrow's success is today's success.  Don't rest on our laurels.  Wins, just like losses are only temporary.

2.  Certain things will get you to the top, but other things will keep you there.  Refuse to plateau.  Climb again.

3.  The road to anything good is always uphill.  Once a year, a lobster is forced to shed his shell and start again.

4.  Once stretched by a new idea, a person's mind never goes back to its original dimensions.

5.  What counts is what you learn after you know it all......John Wooden

6.  There never has been a person who lived a life of ease, whose name is worth remembering....Theodore Roosevelt.

So...I said to myself...How can I grip all of these things and apply them to my life.  Everyone of us have had to face something (or some things) that are too hard for us...or too big for us....or too painful for us.  But, for the success of our lives and our influences in other people's lives, we need to grasp the hard things, make a plan, and move forward.

I have been in the building material business for all of my life.  I recently started a new phase in my business life.  Many of the things that caused me to start this new phase were out of my control.  Also, some of those things were due to mistakes and failures on my part.  But, as I wrote in this blog a while back, I decided to move forward and make the best decisions that I could concerning the financial well being of myself, my wife and my family.

So, just this week, I started a new project.  I am making videos of some brand new houses that I am furnishing materials on.  I am trying to compare the similarities of building a new house, to trying to build a new business, to trying to build a new life.  

The phase that both of these houses are in now is the "Site Preparation" phase.  Sometimes, preparing the site for our new venture(s) is difficult.  In the case of these houses, the ground had to be cleared of things that may have been there for years.  Maybe trees had to be cut down, or an old building had to be destroyed, or the ground had to be bulldozed over to make a good site for the new house.  Well, in my life, and in the lives of many others, we have had to go through this "Site Preparation" phase.  It may be painful, it may bring back unpleasant memories, but, it is very necessary for future successes.

I am going to proceed in this blog, to go through some of the stages of these houses.  I am also going to attempt to chronicle the stages of creating a new and exciting business venture that I am beginning.  I have decided to use the power and the global reach of the internet to help me market myself and the products that I have to offer others.  These products will be building materials.....BUT....not just brick, block, lumber, windows and doors.  Some of these products will be building materials that help people build and protect their assets, their credit, their identities, and their faith.

The next phase, (and the next blog) has to do with the next phase of construction.  We need to dig a footing down to solid ground and pour that footing full of concrete to build a house.  If we are building a new business or building a new life, we also need to dig a footing down to solid ground.  We need to make sure that our base is ROCK SOLID.  If we do that, then the structure we build on top will last for a lifetime.

Remember....My theme is...

               Building up houses

                           Building up businesses

                                           Building up others

Saturday, February 5, 2011


A few days ago, I wrote a blog post about the Bag of M&M's that I thought that I deserved. I have thought about those ideas often in the last few days. I am never quite sure how that Bag of M&M's might come back to me, but in the last day or two, I have gotten a couple of answers.

Yesterday, my wife and I, and two of our friends went out to the way...the chargrilled Ribeye at Outback was great.  Of course, the bloomin' onion goes without saying.  But, back to my point of today's post.  On the way to the restaurant, we had an appointment that we needed to keep.  About two or three weeks ago, we lost one of our best friends to his battle with cancer.  His widow does not feel like trying to live in their house yet, so she is staying with her sister in Charleston, SC for a while.  Our appointment was to serve her by stopping by their house and checking in on everything and making sure that nothing was amiss.  It is a beautiful home that had served a beautiful family.  When we opened the door and walked in, the house was immaculate, just as it always was when we visited.  However, something was missing.....Life....Jerry was in Heaven, and Grace was in Charleston....and the "Life" that had been lived there was absent.  We walked around the house, checking the lights, the windows, the plumbing, etc....everything was o.k....but the "Life" that had been a resident here was gone.

As I was walking and thinking, I came across a plaque on the wall and the words have echoed in mind since then...."I asked God for things, so I could enjoy life.  Instead, He gave me life, so I could enjoy things."  My mind went back to what I was thinking about in my previous posts in this blog.  I had always hoped (and thought) that the business that I enjoyed running for so many years would be with me until I decided to "CASH IN" on my efforts.  Then, my wife and I would be able to ride off into the sunset just as we wanted to. But, when the economy changed its mind, it changed the direction of my "SUNSET".  What I have learned is that it didn't take away my "SUNSET", it just changed the direction in which I had to look to find it.

Today was a very clear statement from Above, that I have been given "Life" so I could enjoy "Things".  I got a good night's sleep last night, and was able to wake up this morning.  As a friend told me this week...It is good to be Vertical and Ventilated!!  Then, I got to go watch my only grandson play in the 4 year old basketball league.  He even hit a shot or two!!  I believe that he has his Grandpa's talent!  Then, I took him and his sister to "Extreme Play" at the mall.  You of those indoor "jump, bounce, scream, laugh, and run emporiums.  One thing about it..It is extreme.  It is extremely wild, but fun.

Now, I am sitting here at the computer with those two grandbabies along with my youngest granddaughter climbing all over me.  I am trying (not too successfully I might admit) to explain to them what a "Blog" is.  But, they really don't care about the explanation, but I can tell that they do care about their "PaPa"

So, today I realize very clearly that I could have all the Things in the world and not enjoy life, but, since I have been given Life,  I can enjoy all things.

So, I want to refocus myself even more to help fulfill my theme in this newsletter.  I am going to be in touch with all of you that I can about anything that I can think of that has value and truth attached to it.  I am walking this path, and I hope that I can be of help to you as well.

Remember, My Theme:

                         BUILDING UP HOUSES

                                 BUILDING UP BUSINESSES

                                             BUILDING UP OTHERS