Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting from Here to There Requires??? Gravel???

Boy, how's that for a title that leaves room for thought!!  This blog post is not really just a cleverly disguised attempt at increasing my gravel sales...(even though, if that is one of the end results, then that is good too!)

I have been doing alot of thinking in the last several weeks and months about this idea that I have mentioned in my last few blog posts.  I came to the realization a while back that I needed to re-tool, re-train, and re-brand myself to better prepare for the future that my family and I will face.  Business, as I knew it, started changing in September of 2007.  The idea that "this is the ways things will always be, because this is the way that things have always been" seemed to have taken flight and could not be found anymore.  I realized several things.  I realized that the future was going to be different than I had always planned for it to be.  I realized that "different" is not always bad, but "different" is always "different".  I realized that "different" is not always easy, but it is necessary many times for things to reach a desired goal.  Mostly, however, I realized that God is still in control, and is faithful to me considering His promises to care and provide for his children.  That does not mean that I always see clearly the path that He is taking me(us) down.  I am glad that He is big enough to see "way down the road further than I can"

But, now, back to the title.  Now, maybe it is easier to see what I meant by the title. God will help us find our direction.  He will show us glimpses of the destination. Sometimes, he will even rent a bulldozer to us to help us clear the way and build the road.  But, it does require us putting feet on our prayers, and our shoulders to the wheel.

In life, we will find many opportunities to be active in "Building Up Houses" , "Building up Businesses"  and "Building up Others".  That is my theme for this blog and for my life going forward.  To reach those goals, we must determine the path and direction of our road and start building on it. It may be a direct path, or it may wander and meander along, but the road still needs to take us toward the goal each day.

In my career as a building supply distributor, I have worked on many projects and homes.  I have supplied materials for "dog houses" and "dream houses."  But, one things hold true for all of them.  The owner had to determine the path between the street and the jobsite.  They normally had to build a road.  Usually they had to do some work in preparation of the road.....Maybe a bulldozer.....Maybe a tractor and scrape....Maybe, just even a shovel and some sweat.  But, you have to be able to get from here to there.

I have begun recently creating a video library of some homes that I am supplying materials on.  I want these videos to capture the entire process of building these homes from "Clearing the Lot" to "Handing over the Keys."   I want to incorporate these videos into this blog, and other writing of mine to help people see more easily that it is a step by step process concerning "GETTING FROM HERE TO THERE"

Yes, a step-by-step process. Just as you saw above, to be able to get "from here to there" in life or in construction,  we have to correctly build the foundation of that path.  It may require some hard work...we may have to "grade off" some rough and unlevel spots.  Sometimes those unlevel spot may be difficulties that we have had with family or friends.  They may be sadnesses or tragedies that we have faced in the past.  But when we deal with all of those things, we are ready to move forward. But, sometimes even with all of that preparation work done, things can get a little slippery from time to time.  Therefore, we put down "just enough" gravel to help us continue to move forward toward the goals that we have set for our lives.

Finally....just as surely as we have to put the "right amount" of gravel down in these slippery places, we have to make sure that we put it down far enough. Sometimes, doing the right amount of the right thing right now may not be sufficient for the long haul.  When we have disappointed a loved one in our life, or failed our spouse, or performed for our employer at less than we are capable, we should make sure that we do everything that is necessary for as long as necessary to regain the trust and respect that we have lost.  Remember, trust and respect are earned, not given. theme is

                         Building up Homes

                                     Building up Businesses

                                                         Building up Others

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